Author Archives: thomas

Market Report by “All This Strings Magazine”



April 1999

“…On the cello front, the instruments of Wolfgang Buchinger (via Ghinaglia 122, 26100 Cremona; [39] 0372-461689) were most notable for their warmth of appearance, which was matched tonally.
The gala event of the exhibition was a recital given by Italian violinist Francesco Manara, accompanied by pianist Inge Handojo. Manara, who has been the concertmaster and soloist of La Scala Theatre and Philharmonic Orchestras, also took Second Prize at the 1997 Hannover International Violin Competition. In general, the performance was marked by the beautiful warm sounds elicited from Manara’s violin; the renditions were well thought out, if played just a bit too carefully. He played on a Giovanni Battista Guadagnini violin made in 1763 and elicited a sound that was positively seductive–although since Manara was surrounded by a room full of contemporary Italian instruments and bows, it would have been nice if he had showed off some of those instead…”

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